
If you read as many startup blogs as I do, you likely already know how tough it can be to find real clarity on the process that successful entrepreneurs went through to come up with their game-changing ideas and build successful companies around them. I often read articles titled ‘how so and so came up with their idea’ and yet suddenly I’m at the end and not much more enlightened.

I think there’s a memory disconnect and idealization of the process once a person has gone from idea to successful company. Some things look easier, some harder, and others are forgotten. This issue is what I’m going to try to avoid here by providing my thoughts and insights as I go along the process. The benefit is that they will be in tune with what is currently occurring and (I hope) will be realistic representations of the difficulties along the way. The obvious drawback is that I very well might fail and then some ‘advice’ might be more helpful as ‘what to avoid’. Buyer Beware.

As I go from step to step in the process I’m going to do my best to illustrate my thinking and how I got to certain decisions, but perhaps even more importantly I will try to be honest and upfront about the things that I just don’t know. There are thousands of directions to go at almost any time when you’re trying to build a company and sometimes you just have to go with your gut – so I’ll point it out when doing so. If nothing else, maybe it’ll make you feel better that it’s not just you that is bullshitting.

Not only will this be my first attempt at a startup, but it is also my first time blogging. So, please, give me a break if I don’t have all the ins and outs worked out. I’m learning as I go on both fronts and hope that if you are reading, you will too.


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